The Knotty Ladies Yarn & Fiber Getaway Weekend Event & Class Registration
There are four steps to register for the event.
Part One: Register for the event: choose which days you will be with us (mandatory)
Part Two: Order your box lunches for Saturday or Sunday or both! (optional)
Part Three: Choose the classes you want to attend (hurry, space is limited!) (optional)
Part Four: Finalize Payment (mandatory - your registration isn't complete until you finalize payment!)
When you add something to your cart, simply choose "continue shopping" to come back to this page. If you wish to see what you have already added to your cart or if you are finished adding items, choose the "View Cart" button at the bottom of the page. You must finalize payment to complete your registration.
PART ONE: The event
Registration for the whole event or more than one day of the event costs $10. You can also register for a single day (Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday) for only $5.00.
PART TWO: The food
If you wish to order lunch, give us your name and the name on the paypal or the credit card account that will be paying, then hit the submit button. You can then choose which meals to add to your cart.
PART THREE: The classes
Classes on Saturday
Double secret knitter tricks to finish off your projects in style. Sewing up seams, weaving in ends, three needle bind off, the dreaded Kitchner stitch, sleeve snakes, and much more.
Day/Time: Saturday, October 11, 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Cost: $5.00
This class has sold out all it's seats! But please add your name to the waiting list, if we get a space we will email you and let you know! Waiting List.
Learn how to pick up a dropped stitch, repair simple mistakes, pick up stitches easily, lose your fear of after-thought fixes, understand how stitches have “legs,” and more.
Day/Time: Saturday, October 11, 10:30 - 11:30 AM
Cost: $5.00
This class has sold out all it's seats! But please add your name to the waiting list, if we get a space we will email you and let you know! Waiting List.
Have you always wanted to learn Entrelac but shied away from all those squares? Bring some long striping worsted yarn and size 9 or 10 needles to learn the secret to knitting a scarf that looks woven.
Day/Time: Saturday October 11, 1:30 -2:30 PM
Cost $5.00
This class has sold out all it's seats! But please add your name to the waiting list, if we get a space we will email you and let you know! Waiting List.
What??? Cut my knitting??? Fair Isle and other stranded colorwork projects often call for that dreaded action: steeking, or cutting open a worked-in-the-round project so it becomes flat. The dreaded steek is not rocket science or conjuring, however, and you CAN master it, and then do all your colorwork from the knit side!
Day/Time: Saturday, October 11, 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Cost: $5.00
Classes on Sunday
Basic instruction on how to spin long draw. For many people long draw is faster, more even, and more efficient that front draw (which is what everyone learns first). Come see what all the hootin' and hollerin' is all about.
Day/Time: Sunday, October 12, 9:00 - 10:00 AM
Cost $5.00
Have you passed by beautiful knitting projects because they include a crocheted edging, and you don't crochet? This class, geared to knitters of all levels who are total, absolute beginners at crochet, will enable you to read crochet pattern language, work the basic stitches into a knitted edge, and combine basic stitches in common pattern sequences for attractive edgings. Handouts also include 5 simple crochet edging patterns to enhance ANY knitting project.
Day/Time: Sunday, October 12, 1:00 - 3:00 PM
Cost $5.00
PART FOUR: Finalize payment
All finished? Click "View Cart" to review your choices and finalize payment.
For answers about the event email
For answers about registration email